Repurpose! Pants to dress and diaper cover

Hey, bambina, how about a new dress and diaper cover for our trip to the beach?

Apparently I owned the winner of the “Least Flattering Pants in the World” Award.  They looked like this.  Even when they were pressed, these linen pants were pretty gnarly.  I mean that in the negative way.  Yep, these pants were not my friend.  Nor were they my figure’s friend.

But they were so soft and lightweight, and just look at the gorgeous texture of the warp and weave!

I couldn’t possibly toss them!  So what could I do?  Harvest the fabric and use them for something else, of course! Harvesting fabric is always the toughest part of a project.  I’m not sure exactly how long they laid around (first on the “Am I really going to wear this again?” shelf in the closest, then in the project basket, then on the kitchen table), just waiting for me to start.  But I’m sure glad I did…

…because look how it turned out!

And the back view…  (Goodness, it’s tough to get a clear photo when holding a squirmy 6 month old!)

I followed this tutorial for the dress (modified it to suit my tastes, of course) and this one for the diaper cover.  I referred to this tutorial a lot for working with the elastic thread.

The brown fabric is from the linen pants, and the red bows are twill tape.

I left the back open for easier on/off, and added three vintage buttons at the top to close it.  I also made it shorter than the tutorial, since the bambina is still a sitter and I didn’t want it to get tangled up under her bum when we’re scooting her around.

Somebody’s excited about her new outfit!

I'd love to know what you think of this!